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04 June 2024


明尼苏达州的雇主继续面临劳动力短缺的问题 approximately 164,000 job openings in March 2024. 减少招聘瓶颈对于帮助急切的求职者与需要潜在员工的企业匹配至关重要. In Ramsey County, 有一种趋势作为劳动力市场的机遇尤为突出:各行各业对驾照作为招聘凭证的需求不断增长. 促进驾照采购对于培养熟练和流动的劳动力,促进商业吸引力和整体区域经济增长至关重要. This necessity is addressed in detail in the RealTime Talent report titled 爱博体育手机版下载劳动力市场的十大趋势.

Ticket to work

众所周知,驾照是迈向独立的标志, responsibility and adulthood.  然而,对许多年轻人来说,驾照也成为了工作的入场券. 获得交通工具是决定社会和经济机会的一个重要因素. Additionally, 驾驶执照通常是许多工作的先决条件,这些工作有可能使个人摆脱贫困, including roles in construction, manufacturing, healthcare, human services, and the automotive industry. 

According to recent data in the report, RealTime Talent网站显示,爱博体育手机版下载(Ramsey County)需要驾照的工作岗位数量增加了7%, and those requiring a CDL rose 31% since 2021. 考虑到同一时间段内所有职位发布数量下降了9%,这些趋势非常显著. Erin Olson, Senior Director of Strategic Research with RealTime Talent, 强调迫切需要确保这些要求不会成为就业机会的障碍.

“驾照现在是许多工作的标准要求, particularly in industries such as transportation, delivery services and construction," says Olson. "However, 有必要评估这些要求是否真的必要,或者它们是否无意中为某些人群和他们获得驾驶执照的能力制造了障碍."

Challenging factors

有几个因素导致年轻人在获得驾驶执照时面临挑战, including accessibility, cost, structure and racial disparities. 司机教育私有化,在2019年,只有 相比之下,只有15%的青少年在学校接受过驾驶教育 to a 95 percent rate in the 1970s, 对年轻人来说,已经很有挑战性的情况变得更加困难了吗. Other factors, such as access to a reliable vehicle for an on-road test, getting to Department of Public Safety offices, and the prohibitive cost of obtaining a license, pose significant obstacles. 

Driver’s License Academy

为了应对这些挑战,爱博体育手机版下载启动了 Driver's License Academy, 这是一项由美国救援计划法案与圣保罗市合作资助的劳动力倡议. This initiative targets young workers aged 18-24, 为他们提供免费获取驾驶执照的资源和支持. 把重点放在需要驾照作为工作凭证的职业道路上, 学院旨在增强年轻求职者的能力,增加他们获得就业机会的机会. 这项投资有助于培养更有能力满足当地雇主需求的劳动力,并支持经济发展倡议.

“驾驶执照学院是朝着消除障碍和确保公平就业迈出的关键一步," says Olson. "By offering comprehensive support, including knowledge test preparation, behind-the-wheel training, road test assistance and additional resources, 我们可以为所有符合条件的参与者创造公平的竞争环境. This is a win-win for the workforce and employers."

To date, 在67个不同的当地教育和就业机构的推荐下,该学院已经招收了350多名年轻人. Over 60 young adults have obtained their driver's license, 还有更多的人在获得一份工作的下一步取得了进展.

该学院的方法包括爱博体育手机版下载和圣保罗市的共同投资, 强调合作应对劳动力挑战,促进经济流动. 这一共同承诺强调了社区伙伴关系在推动积极变革方面的重要性.

Commitment to solutions

爱博体育手机版下载不断增长的劳动力需求强调了对积极解决方案的需求,以促进驾照的可及性和公平性. Initiatives like the Driver's License Academy and other related resources 举例说明该国致力于培养一支包容和有弹性的劳动力队伍.  

The Top 10 Trends to Watch in Ramsey County’s Workforce Landscape from RealTime Talent is a compass, 指导爱博体育手机版下载应对劳动力转型的复杂性. 确定的趋势为有韧性、创新和包容的未来铺平了道路. Each trend will be explored in-depth throughout 2024, 为未来几年爱博体育手机版下载的劳动力制定路线.

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